Who We Are...
Red Bull Cattle Company offers the best in Wagyu genetics, highest marbling and largest ribeye possible. Browse our website and get to know the cattle—they all have a story. If you would like to follow our progress request our posted marbling scans just send us a message to get the latest info.
What to Know

100% NONGM

We Love Our Reds!
In comparison to the dominant black Wagyu strain (Tajima), reds are thicker, higher weaning weights, shorter finishing times and more milk in the females. Their phenotype is closer to western cattle breeds. They can marble just as well as black Wagyus as was demonstrated at the 2014 and 2015 Houston Livestock Show. Red Wagyus are perfect for improving carcass quality in a grass feeding operation. Whether on grass or in a feedlot, finishing times are similar to other breeds. With consumer preferences shifting towards higher quality beef, there is a tremendous growth potential in the Wagyu breed. We can help you get started.

What a show stopping handsome one of a kind bull! Congratulations to Desi Cicale of Red Bull Cattle Company for her monumental wins at the 2015 Houston Livestock Show. Her Red Wagyu Bull JC Rueshaw 75 became the first Two Time Grand Champion in the show’s history.